What is my Cloud Maturity?

Today, we are challenged on every front, from talent shortage to volatile technologies. A cloud maturity self-assessment platform.

How can you go faster and still create fabulous products?

Built from the experiences of our seasoned technical auditors, we covers 5 main topics of team performance:

  • Culture

  • Talent

  • Product

  • Technology

  • DevOps

This 15-20 minutes questionnaire provides you with a score, a copy of the questions, and The Scalable CTO free eBook. The latter expands on each subject, offering ideas, opinions, and solutions to the difficulties of engineering great software.

We can assist you in developing the necessary outlook to identify opportunities for improvements.

Remy Gendron

Seasoned technologist, founder and CEO of INGENO, an outsourcing software company specialized in SaaS products design and development. Remy worked, over the last 23 years, at many hyper growth tech companies such as Taleo, where he oversaw the scalability and performance challenges associated with hundreds of millions of daily business transactions.


Customer Centric Leadership


How To Set Up a DevOps Culture?